The Coleridge Blade from Coleridge, Nebraska (2024)

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The Coleridge Bladei

Coleridge, Nebraska

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imf-ift tftfv WkWl 't'-iv V--A 'wV'Ai jyV v--'v ''v- 'iiiLunl'P- 'to mpjilfM "A'-' Of JUtf-iof Mil ylO ''ifvJt Harvesting tho Coffee Crop a M6UNT AIM CAMP four years after they have 1 been ror moved from the nurseries where they Hii Ifi-Nw Yoi ipPf grow in wicker baskets under shade Ml tt for Tu- The fruit when ripe la'red ud( re sembles small cherry or cranberry In general appearance The coffee uberenlar ex-aoldlen bjj1v- ing carriers already having lent cheerful aid In avoiding the construction of more grade crosalnga Inatead of grade crowringi there will be constructed wherever possible in the future dther a bridge or an underpass where roadway and railway Intersect Imiortant roads which now cross and recross railroad lines at grades hereafter will be located entirely on one side of the railroad even though to do so may increase the cost of construction Where crossings are unavoidable or where local Intereata Justify construction of highways to cross railroad lines the road will be ao located as to pass over the track or under It In most Instances of this sort the rail-' roads bear one-half of the cost of building the bridge or underpass Saving of Human Lives The prime object of the department's policy to eliminate grade crossings on federal-Bid roada la the aav-Ing of human lives Title pulley probably will Involve Increased exneniMrof construction In the case of some roads nnnunc lodft In the Ad- mott recent plan jn which we ere In the grocery store Is the seed of this coffee berry Normally each eery rCuttULna two seeds flat on one side snd roundeof on the other the flat sides being together 1eu Icdin In New A'maranioth mountain camp (tliirS kr'lha UalUd WalM Daputmnt mt AnrttMm) The grade croesiugs must go end they will be eliminated wherever possible on the roads of the federal ad highway ayatem which will be built aa a result of tho passage of the federal highway act When the roada which form the primary or Interstate system era constructed no grade crossing will be allowed to remain that Is at all practicable' to avoid Every effpr will be made' to make the roada of the aee-ondary ayatem equally safe but In this rase It is recognised that elimination may not be practicable In all rases at this time Policy Meets Approval In making thla announcement the bureau of public roads United Btatea Drpnrtment of Agriculture under whoae aupervlslon the fund Is allotted and construction Is undertaken ia putting into effect a policy which It haa long advocated In principle and whose adoption it haa urged with Increasing effectiveness upon state highway pffl-ifnla for aome time past The policy In meeting with hearty co-operation on tlirt part of the atatea and tho American Assodstlon of State Highway Of-flclula by rpsolntlon has pledged Its brat efforts to co-operate to eliminate grade: mornings on new construction In 'addition the policy finds favor among the railroads some of the lead (Fnpand by Uw National Owsraphlc Ba-atotr Wsahlnstu T) CI On the gentle sloping hlllaldea of the northern portion of a atngle state of the great Brazilian republic there are some 700000000 coffee trees Here on the fsmous rich red soil (terra roana) under extraordinarily favorable climatic conditions the state of Sao Paulo Is producing annually close to Ihree-ausrters of the world's total coffee crop Small wonder It Is that this state ranks so high In the number and In tfie character of Its popd-lutlon In the development of Ita railroads In Ita general commercial and Industrial activity Small wonder la It that the rlty of Sao Paulo la so fil of life snd energy that Santos has be-mine so famous a port that the Santos dorks and the Sao Paulo railway at- from 8aranae lake haa been ae The seeds ere Imbedded: Jn a sticky fred Ita doora to be opened to the aertlce men who cannot now Bad a bed In the adjolnlmr forent cominlaiiif 12000 aem of atate jire- wlll aoon he acattered lean-tmi and aheltera where dlaabled men will I'Jid u--1'" t'': Vi jS'if'A- 1 bunk In aolld comfurt breathlnc the air which can reatnre them to health t't'p Perm I Ml on to nae the pmerve aa trapt an mnn 'vlaltAra Ia tlia Uut It la believed this Is Justified by miilnsprtBII ofi aI1 tnli Ueveionment a hunting groundhu been granted bjr the atate and at the main camp on Big Topper lake there will be bowl- whitish pulp and are further tnero-aelvea aurrqunded by two envelopes Before the coffee bean can bo put upon the market the outer covering the pulp and the two Inner coverings must be removed It ta customary to classify the methods of preparing coffee for market into the wet aad tbo dry They are alike after ascertain itage and there la dlssgreeinent among experts as to the relative merits of 3e two In producing the best coffee In the dry process the berries in dried before the pulp Is removed and tiienV outer covering pulp and Inner cover- bigs are removed together In the wet process the pulp Is first removed In water and they drying and removal of -the Jnner envelopes come laten There Is no absolutely hard andTfaslrale in- ina aayuiK ot mo Lninng tuc inres Coffee Is Uie prevailing topic of con- ling-alleja miitor bnata and athletic I flelda at the dlapoaal of the patlenta 1 1 versation Oatee Is the key to the financial situntton Coffee Is king As friRoiM wsteifall or an im years ending with 1020 according to tho beat records available at the department 8080 lives were lost at grade crossings In the United States And 10044 persons were Injured mense ateel plant or a great forest 'or I Each Legion poet in 'the (Kite baa been given the chance to put up Ita own lean-to men ofjibat poet tebe given a wonderful view attracts the traveler so this renin rsable Braslllan coffee dis Ihecedence In1 occujiancy'' Twenty thoueand dollara baa already been auk trict has fascination all ita own for the "glnlie-tritter" or' for the more acrlbed to the fund mm leisurely traveler who seeks to know variably followed on all fa sen das something more definite about our4 alike In the nreparatlon for market of the coffee beans South American neighbors or more particularly for any one to whom man's achlevementa In changing the face of nature by making the earth produce what he needs and what he A consldernhle water aupply carefully planned system of end f0 anurf CHIEF FUN-MAKER BUSY MAN i Prealdent Elvers of M0 Hommee et Chevaux" Forced to Resign aa State Adjutant Edward jr Elvers national pre dent of 'MO hommes et 8 tnj canals and of bsMlTslfiseded In wet method and it la nartlv for thk West wm wm reason' wi Well ssT)ecsusV of! preference of some -fasendetros the dry method that the wot method Is not everywhere in nsav t- Harvest Lasts) Several 'Mentha 'ifi'V un-making ao-dety of tho American Legtoa finds that the duties aa head of a "funny" organisation ore Visaing The harvest bgun in MsyJand htste Into August or even 'SepftnAsjr' Waa Li- ferceotagea at tAirxhlch liavaNEB declared la the dry fhartbf Bia 1222 1744 79l 4400 8M 696 conditions are very favorable any for the hsrvert Itself buP'f er- 1 J2lft CAuAxne9 MLLCD lS'-- WWrsJO 4W-TfT0TAj fCDCSTRIANS 778 OCCUMHTSCf AUTOMODJUO 4240 and transporting the crop aftes I been gathered In picking the the toughs' are "pulled don work Making fan took so much of hla Ums jhat he was forced to re-' algn his former position 1 as atate adjutant of tho ter-eV left hand: and' held af the oul 40 4790 912 5250 9)1 while the right band is run along 1517 cnitRvtHiaw 'If bough from the baae to the unaurioua Secretary Fall reported the altua tlon to the Preeldent who Imnwdlata-ly communicated with Eugene Ueyer Jr managing" director of the war finance corporation (portrait hew with) who vert fled the report Mr Meyer told tin Preeldent that of the loena to atock ralaera had beenj made to the banka handling the loana at the general rate of per cent and' that In only a few Inatancea bad' the ratea been 0 per cent Mr Meyer alao told the Preeldent that he hud learned the oanka tip gouthweat bad been churglng an much a per cent for a alx-montlur loan Distribution of Highway Qrade Crossing Caaualtlsa stripping off the lrrleai akct 90) many leaves and twigs' For the up- per branches ruOa step-ladders are -used 4 The usual methodtof harvesting Is -V to let the berries twigs etc faU dl their way In from the outer air Although the oil Itself does not loss Its lubricating quality all thla adulteration eventually forms' a mixture which cannot give Droner lubrication Legion! in tho atate of Oregon One of the proud moment In Elvefe Ufa was when before a crowd of TX people he preaented 'Marshal Foch i tho little gold badge of the box-ear bono and alL Eiverb began hla military career In 1010 (a tho National Guard Poring the war ha served 10 montha overaeaa aa captain of tho machlne-guaj company of iAe One Hundred and Sixty-second Infantry which waa not aahf aya a fan-making aoclety-v tyw rectly on the ground where they are later raked together with wire rakes with rounded teeth and the first rough sorting Is made The stags a winnowing by means of a wire sieve: STIIailaataa Mmuhii NiHa fPARATUS FOR RECLAIMING OIL Device Conserves GO to 80 Per Cent by Eliminating Extraneous Matter in It 1 and charging an extra per cent cptmnleelon for each renewal The legal rate banka are allowed to charge the atock ralaera over the federal rate of (ftf per cent It waa explained la only 2 per cent tl ma nana oeing useu pics oni vm yr iwigs and leaves and tfe wind blow- uig aiuiy uw imyt um uuak aa the contents of tbe! sieve' ate thrown State Control of the Railroad Rates Araotleea Hunt up Into the air and caught sgsln Sev finds profitable are a source of satisfaction end Inspiration Journey of QreaV Interest The heart of the coffee country can be reached In less than three weeka from New York The voyage to and from IUo Janeiro Is delight which cannot fall to eatlafy even those who are not naturally lovers Of the aea What can be more Ideal for any one who la fired out with the wear and tear of a busy life than that voyage of two weeks from New York to JUp over the calm seas and under the bright skies of the topics? From Rio do Janeiro a Journey of about eight hours takes the traveler across the coaat range vf mountains (Serra Mo Mar) and along the valley of the Parahyba rlvef to the city of Sao Paulo which lies in a position of Immense advantage to Ita commercial development From the rlty of Sao Paulo the heart of the coffee country Is reached lrt a abort duy's Journey along one of the lines of railroad which go In a northerly or northwesterly direction across the open' campoa or through the scattering woodlands In about two boura after leaving the city of Sao Paulo the traveler begins to see ths first considerable coffee plantations and from that time- on the Journey la one of the greatest Interest Coffee Is everywhere Miles snd miles of coffee trees stretch sway op and down the gentle slopes of the roiling topography1 often ss far aa the eye can great broad waves of green with the narrow lines of the red soil showing In marked contrast with ths iretn Df thi leaves-If la a Bight which is not aoon forgotten Here and there are small patches of forest which have not yet been destroyed to make way for tho coffee And then there come great stretches of ragged grass-Isnds partly need for grating purposes or locally for farming where the soli Is not right for the coffee tree Cham of the Faseadaa On the lower slopes of the hills or on tho' lowUnds standing out In marked contrast with the green coffee trees are the whits buildings of tho fsxendas--great substantial stone and stucco manor houses with wide verandas and large windows eurrouud-ed by gardens filled with palm and banana and orange and mango trees the extensive outbuildings for the stables and for the machinery for the laborers and for the aupertntendent being placed at a respectful distance from tho manor A ern 1 times In a less common method the results of the harvesting are al lowed to fall Into coltssLclothe spread out underneath the treea Thla makes IL Markham preeldent of the minola Central ayatem of rallroada la AaalUll nnnnawT til Mill latal REDUCES BILLS OF MOTORIST What the new apparatus dues la to eliminate all that extraneous matter and thus restore the original usefulness of the frequently Indeed through the distillstlon of the lighter oils Improving Its original quality Thla new reclaiming machine Is offered with the Idea that when a mo-tVlst wishes to renew the oil In his crank chamber he will go to a garage equipped with the necessary out fit have the old oil drained out and receive' an 'allowance ofnew-olL in return A garage without the equipment will make an allowance for the used oil and send It to be salvaged by concerns organised for that sols purpose rue gathering of the crop 'quicker Tho "Whoof panted Dottle Dlmplo tneca aa she sank into a chafer In tho theatrical agency offlee I've dmply ran wy legs off trying to see tho nana-geof this show about a Job in the 'V- V'-'- "Lady" aald Otla the offlcoVoy 1 tint seen tho manager but If that's the ease -you mlgh ta well go back koine'V-Amerlean Legloa Weekly' Introduced In congreM to Uke away berries are then assembled In sacks- From this point on the berries are subjected 'to various mechanical treaV stents cnaeruis rwec netnoo' -tney aluiMail bIMI kiM 1 1 washed churned with hoea al are lowed to sbtteQ'and Brs'tfien 'Mi thronsh a mechanical trainer from the Intenrtate Commerce coin-muwlon all authority ever atate ratea He thmta Uie prbpgeed trgjalatlon" li nptogreaalve Impracticable and II-logicaL" Deaaya among other tblnga "Aa a practical matter everyone fcoowa that railway ayaieu travera-Ing a umber of ttatea la operated aa a unit All Ita property la need In both IntereUte and intraatate com meree Ita revenuea from both art The Cnyinf On With seeds still enveloped by their inner skliuvare strained from the American resulting from tint pulping opera and are then pladra In basins ran -C' eat allgfitly- so 'than any pulp will be looseneS They commingled Ita expeneee aa between two daaaea of coatiatrcA'caiiiiot rb eccarately aeparated It ought not spreaa out on urge dry In the aun- When i A I the seeds are gathereiri I rJL machinl -rtOi I through Ingenious to maintain upon Ita Una aa many teparate and dlatlnct Bfataiaa of rates Vn there are atatea which it rravoraea VIn the'eaae of the Illlsota Central aya offthoskla The particle sifted and blown out arii 1 tn coffee 3 aortodW i hulled' cleaned snd '-y Through Distillation of Some Lighter Lubricants Quality li Said to Be' Abraelve Matter To conserve present-day resources for the benefit of posterity la not a particularly attractive proposition to the man of totUy who to rather likely to ask why he ahould do anything for posterity when so far aa he can aeai posterity 'bu done nothing for blm l'-i: But when conservstloB puta money In his own pocket that la another story altogether ifV- i1 That la exactly what can now be done for tho motorist by a recent Invention of ah apparatus for iwdalmlng or cleansing crank case oil From 60 to 80 per cent of this oil eaa now bo salvaged and need ever again IicteiMla lffe-ef-lilstoft- One of the conalderabla Jtema In a motorist's budget Is lubricating oil most of which goes Into the crank case of his car Upon the lubrication of that part of the mechanism largely depends the eflldency and life of hla Caf TrV Js'Ji A V- Lubricating oil does not actually deteriorate' through use It merely raflecta a mass of abraslva matter from the wear on moving parts ca boq and nnburned gasoline leak from the cylinder Into Xh crank ease underneath and 1 laoiaturs and grit And tem paaalng through and touching 14 tfUfercnt atatea la obvtoua at a fhll directly from the but machine Into the bags Whea these contain 183 mm dance that It ought not to have lfl aratcoa of ratea mm aimUcabla to Interauta commerce and 14 other applicable to the commerce of the different autes" Warrd New Ambassador to Japan Twenty Jiospitala In three years la tho record of Do disabled lighter dls-oovered by the AmerlcsnLegioa Ex-soldlera Tjrlto have Iotholr du rjulp) papers will bo'abU to obtain iupUcatoa under a blif anew- before congress -V A awn of ft000000 has been raised by Aiaatrallai for thS iasf of bar unemployed former soldiers: Another great eumhwf been ralaed to buy land for farms to bo cultlvatsd by Ihom '-7-i'i-' Frederick 7te Vetera Fort Worth tax waa unconscious when: fie was handed over to the American Legion post In that rity Dla gnosis revealed that what be needed most was ham and egg Marshal Foch waa made an honorary member of the Cambridge (Mass) Post of the Grand Army of tho Be public A delegation of 'Civil war veterans pinned a bronie medal on his cheat posts of the Amerlcmo Legion are helping atom the crime wave by putting their unemployed Legionnaires to All Him nraalllan faundaa hava a pounds each they are sewed Jin an(Js are ready for shipment to market Along the roads-deep la ssl AJasC six or eight yoke of oxen draw the 1 heavy wagon loaded with the red ova sacka to the nearest railroad ration' In cases where the railroad doss not come directly Into the fasenda as It often does -) ki Off to ths south go the tralhiflrs)'' to the dty of Sao' Paulo andthett Charles Dcecner Warren the new United Btatea ambaaaadnr to Japan 41s doubtleaa pleaaed over the reaujt of the Waahlngton arma conference The new underatandlng between Undo Bam and the Mikado ahould make hla Job much mora ploaaant It would 1 down ths ateep eastern slopes pt thev peculiar an appearance of solidarity of comfort of peace and of ss they Uo there aur-rounded by the wealth of their coffee trees with cattle graslng on ths neighboring fields and with ever-busy picturesque Italian laborers caring for the precious crop whose market prices are quoted dally In 411 the Important papers throughout the civilised world The coffee trees on a Braxillitn plantation begin to bear in from two to Wash the car frequently with clean cold' water Ues no'aoap on the body where It can possibly be avoided' S'-V- An Experienced chauffeur In Japan earns from to 810 a week r- If ever throw' water In a poolbf burning gasolmS It only avreads the Are o-' "-'e-O Ammonia may be used to dean corrosion from connections and battery tennlnaui i Black smoks I an Indication that the carbon In the fuel Is pasalng through the engine nnburned To make thS tire valvs Bccesslble for disc wheel nsers a right angle valve extension haa been devised "'v The car owner ahould keep In mind that one of the most proline causes of engine overheating Is driving on a retarded spark T'-Coughing hi the carbnretor followed by aharp explosions In the muflhir Indicates a wrong adjustment of the auxiliary air valve Remember that the car will stop mora quickly and with less shock if tho brakes are applied Intermittently than Jf they are jammed on thug eliding the rear wheels 1 nerra uo uar to tue wonu's fsmoua nrat'r Tn Bsirif Aaa Mffsnel asKaiM tHiai-aT jrv mm mm MtiHvsa vhw SMSV I lutely dominates tlie lives of the two- pie Coffee 1b everywhVe-fcn tlie slrccts In the warehousea fon the train Every one la busy with coffee Ambaaaador Warns la a lawyer In private life Ue llvaa at Qroasa I'olnte Farms Mich and hla ofBco la In Detroit no waa born la luy City Mich In 1870 and got hla education at the University of Michigan and Detroit College of Law lie began prae tics In lflua and until 1000 was a partner of Don Dickinson lie waa eoupael for lbs United Btatea In the Iwhrtng aea clalme and lbs Atlantic coast naheriaa arbitration lie -was a deiegate-aMargt to the Itepubllran national convention of 1008 and haa been la member of the Republican national (commutes alnca 1012 During the war ing into an air pocket are sucked downward and the aviators lose all control'1 Unlike the1 cyclone smalt' air pockets are absolutely InvlfdUaY-Popular A encs Monthly i Marks of Dletlnoefi' i To be distinctive one does not -need fV: Watch the Nuts 1 An engine that Is subject to considerable vibration la liable to have Its cyllnderp work loose' on the crank Case through' the loosening of the bold-mg-dowp bolts or nuts if they are not watched' v' 'V Where the Money- Qsea Carplesa autonmblle driver and work aa apodal police oracera flfleen per 'cent of vocstlonallaad es-eotdiera of the jPadfic northwest have gone "back to the farm" preferring agriculture to other vocations Easterners Win be given "view of What Causes Air Pockets? Air pockets have long been a menace to aviators Those who are familiar with water eddlca and whlft-pools can readily lsualhw air pock-eta since fhoy are forinod In much the mraeiway Air pockets are caused by local refraction of the atmosphere Cyclones are really air pockets on an 'enormous scale Small air pockets vsry In diameter from a few feet' to several hundred feet Airplanes driv expmndve clothing A fare radiating mental pome a weii-groouied body iBr- America" wuen tney join me aecona those who do not appreciate the value annual ascent or Hount uooo no nf the are keeping no fewer ronducteo)' by the Uood giver (Ors nu MUr fianr huavman atoff of the judge advocate general and waa diadiarged with the uint colonel lis waa awarded the rlad with grace apd dlgnlly la Ityown aristocrscy Evety woman can be at- tracllve no matter what her features mi be post bs-waivw- itacturlng sndn parts )' V7 i jr.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.