Courses that Fulfill GE Requirements (2024)

  • Cultures and Ideas
  • Global Studies
  • Education Abroad
  • Foreign Language
  • Literature
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Writing and Communication 2

Cultures and Ideas

German 2350
Introduction to German Studies
This course provides a broad introduction to German history and culture and to the field of German Studies. Taught in English, it is an ideal course for students considering a major or minor in German, or for those with a general interest in German-language history and culture. The course will have four components

  • lectures on history (social, cultural, political, and linguistic)
  • lectures on contemporary German-language society and culture
  • discussion about works of literature, film, philosophy, art, music, etc.
  • introductions to methods for studying language and culture

In the end, students will have a broad overview of German-language history and culture and a catalog of questions that will include tools for analyzing everything from medieval sagas to television shows, political speeches to the words they use. Taught in English. GE cultures and ideas course.

German 2255
Postwar Germany and Japan
In this course, we will be probing the dynamics of postwar culture in Germany and Japan by looking closely at an extensive body of the cultural material produced in these two most notorious “perpetrator nations”--films, theoretical writings, memoirs, artist manifestos, and, above all, literary works--and by subjecting our material to cross-cultural analysis, which should deepen as our basis for drawing distinctions, comparisons, and connections expands. In doing all this, we will enlist the help of a few secondary resources, most notably the groundbreaking recent efforts of the critic Ian Buruma. Team-taught with faculty in Japanese.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Japanse 2255. Cross-listed in Japanese. GE cultures and ideas course.

German 3253
The German Experience in North America
Introduction to literature, culture, and history of German immigrants to North America, especially to the Midwest and Ohio, from the seventeenth century into the twenty-first. GE cultures and ideas course.

German 3256
Coming to Terms with the Holocaust and War in Germany: Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung
Dedicated to examining how postwar Germans came to terms with war and the Holocaust by looking at various responses in several genres, from philosophy and public debates to poems and films. Students will be confronted with difficult historical, aesthetic, and ethical issues in the various German responses to the Holocaust. Taught in English. GE cultures and ideas course.

German 3351
Democracy, Fascism and German Culture
Culture of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany in literature, film, the other arts; the roots of fascism and its echoes in postwar Germany. Taught in English. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 299. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.

German 3352
Development of Contemporary Germany: Dresden Yesterday and Today
Introduction to German life and culture, past and present, including the new federal states; taught within summer study abroad program with students experiencing German culture firsthand.
* Open only to students who participate in the German Language in Dresden Summer Study Abroad Program. Admitted students register for German 3352 and 5797 (3 credits), and also for either German 2101 (3 credits) OR German 2102 (3 credits) during the Summer session.
All credits taken in Dresden can be used towards the German major or minor.

GEL: Culture & Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies
GEN THEMES - Lived Environments

German 3353H
German Intellectual History: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud
Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud are essential for understanding intellectual thought in the late nineteenth and twentieth century. They have retained their importance into the twenty-first century. The focus of the course will be the way in which Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud reconceived the notion of history, historical progress, and historiography. GE cultures and ideas course.

German 3451H
Religion in Modern German Literature and Philosophy
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the relationship between religion and society from the Enlightenment to the present. Taught in English. Prereq: Honors, and Soph, Jr, or Sr standing. Not open to students with credit for 590H. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.

Yiddish 2241
Yiddish Culture
Introductory survey of political, social, ideological, and religious trends as reflected in Yiddish culture, especially folklore and literature. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 241 or JewshSt 2241. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in JewshSt.

Yiddish 2367
Jewish-American Voices in U.S. Literature
Introduction to Jewish-American literature; development of expository writing and argumentation skills through systematic and critical reflection upon their own country from the perspective of an ethnic community. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 367 or JewshSt 2367. GE writing and comm: level 2 and cultures and ideas course. Cross-listed in JewshSt.

Global Studies

German 2250
Berlin: Stories, Languages, and Ideas
Students will learn about the roles Berlin played in Europe's and the world's major upheavals, from the Thirty Years' War to the Fall of the Wall in 1990, and will gain insight into the increasing internationalization of Berlin from three perspectives: stories told by and about Berlin's citizens; philosophical & scientific ideas generated in Berlin; and multilingual dialects and variations. GE lit and Global Studies (International issues successors) course.

German 2253
Magic, Murder and Mayhem
Origins and highlights of German culture and life to 1648 as reflected in literary and poetic works, Germanic mythology, religion, and the arts. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 291. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

German 2798.02
Berlin, Then and Now: People, Places, and Experiences
Students will explore and experience the cosmopolitan and increasingly diverse Berlin by learning about some of the most influential or memorable persons who live or have lived in the city–from its establishment as a capital of the Prussian Kingdom in the 18th century to its present role as capital of a reunified, democratic Germany and a center of European and global politics and culture. GE education abroad and global studies (International Issues successors) course.

German 3252
The Holocaust in Literature and Film
Reading, analysis, and discussion of representative works pertaining to the Holocaust from the perspective of German literature and film. Taught in English. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 399 or Yiddish 399. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

German 3254H
Representations and Memory of the Holocaust in Film
Students will view, discuss, and examine major filmic representations of the Holocaust from several countries from the 1940s through the 1990s. Students will learn how these films have contributed to our understanding of a complex phenomenon of WWII and how the directors have coped with the thorny issues of representing something that many people consider to be unrepresentable. Taught in English. GE Visual and Performing Arts and GE Diversity - Global Studies course.

German 3351
Democracy, Fascism and German Culture
Culture of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany in literature, film, the other arts; the roots of fascism and its echoes in postwar Germany. Taught in English. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 299. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.

German 3352
Development of Contemporary Germany: Dresden Yesterday and Today
Introduction to German life and culture, past and present, including the new federal states; taught within summer study abroad program with students experiencing German culture firsthand.
* Open only to students who participate in the German Language in Dresden Summer Study Abroad Program. Admitted students register for German 3352 and 5797 (3 credits), and also for either German 2101 (3 credits) OR German 2102 (3 credits) during the Summer session.
All credits taken in Dresden can be used towards the German major or minor.

GEL: Culture & Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies
GEN THEMES - Lived Environments

German 3451H
Religion in Modern German Literature and Philosophy
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the relationship between religion and society from the Enlightenment to the present. Taught in English. Prereq: Honors, and Soph, Jr, or Sr standing. Not open to students with credit for 590H. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.

Scandinavian 3350
Norse Mythology and Medieval Culture
What do we know about Thor and Odin, and how do we know it? This course examines the myths of the Old Norse gods and the sources in which those myths are recorded. Students will gain insight into the world view and beliefs of the medieval North by reading (in English translation) the most important textual sources on Scandinavia's pre-Christian mythology. Place-name, archaeological, and other evidence will also be discussed. Students intrigued by the Viking Age, medieval Northern Europe, or the interpretation of myth will find much of interest.

Scandvn 3350 counts towards the Scandinavian minor.
Prereq: none
GE lit and diversity global studies course.
Required texts:Carolyn Larrington'sPoetic Edda, 2nd edition; Anthony Faulkes’s translation of Snorri Sturluson’sEdda(any edition; 978-0460876162 is fine); John Lindow’s NorseMythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs(ISBN 0-195-153820);Optional: H. Mattingly and S. A. Handford’s translation of Tacitus,The Agricola and the Germania(again, any edition; 978-0140455403 is the most recent)

Yiddish 2241
Yiddish Culture
Introductory survey of political, social, ideological, and religious trends as reflected in Yiddish culture, especially folklore and literature. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 241 or JewshSt 2241. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in JewshSt.

Yiddish 3371

Yiddish Literature in Translation
Reading, analysis, and discussion of representative works and of the development of major movements and genres in Yiddish literature. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 371 or JewshSt 3371. GE lit and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in JewshSt.

Yiddish 3399
The Holocaust in Yiddish and Ashkenazic Literature and Film
Reading and analysis of texts, films and music pertaining to the topic of the Holocaust, the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany against European Jewry, and its impact on Ashkenazic-Jewish civilization.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 399 or German 399. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

Education Abroad

German 2798.02
Berlin, Then and Now: People, Places, and Experiences
Students will explore and experience the cosmopolitan and increasingly diverse Berlin by learning about some of the most influential or memorable persons who live or have lived in the city–from its establishment as a capital of the Prussian Kingdom in the 18th century to its present role as capital of a reunified, democratic Germany and a center of European and global politics and culture. GE education abroad and global studies (International Issues successors) course.

German 3352
Development of Contemporary Germany: Dresden Yesterday and Today
Introduction to German life and culture, past and present, including the new federal states; taught within summer study abroad program with students experiencing German culture firsthand.
* Open only to students who participate in the German Language in Dresden Summer Study Abroad Program. Admitted students register for German 3352 and 5797 (3 credits), and also for either German 2101 (3 credits) OR German 2102 (3 credits) during the Summer session.
All credits taken in Dresden can be used towards the German major or minor.

GEL: Culture & Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies
GEN THEMES - Lived Environments

Foreign Language

The 1101-1103 courses in the following languages fulfill the Foreign Language requirement:

  • German
  • Swedish


German 2250
Berlin: Stories, Languages, and Ideas
Students will learn about the roles Berlin played in Europe's and the world's major upheavals, from the Thirty Years' War to the Fall of the Wall in 1990, and will gain insight into the increasing internationalization of Berlin from three perspectives: stories told by and about Berlin's citizens; philosophical & scientific ideas generated in Berlin; and multilingual dialects and variations. GE lit and Global Studies (International issues successors) course.

German 2251
German Literature and Popular Culture
Study of popular culture forms in relation to the artistic, intellectual, historic, and literary traditions of the German-speaking world. Taught in English. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs. GE lit course.

German 2253
Magic, Murder and Mayhem
Origins and highlights of German culture and life to 1648 as reflected in literary and poetic works, Germanic mythology, religion, and the arts. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 291. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

German 2254
Grimms' Fairy Tales and their Afterlives
Working to understand the meaning and the enduring appeal of one of Germany's greatest successes in the realm of cultural exportation - the Grimms' fairy tales, a book whose circulation figures are exceeded in Western culture only by those of the Bible. To explore their reach, we will also compare them to their adaptations in literature and film, from dark to Disney.
GE lit course.

German 2256
Fan Fiction: From Homer to Harry Potter
Enthusiastic readers of Harry Potter write sequels, prequels, and spinoffs and post them online every day. But writing fan fiction is far from new. In this course, we will investigate the surprising history of this literary form. We'll analyze works of fan fiction, asking how ideas of originality, authorship, and intellectual property influence art and literature.
GE lit course

German 2310
Nature in Nordic and Germanic Literatures
This course explores how literature and culture––including, among others, traditional art forms, popular culture, folklore, lifestyle, social customs, and political culture––are deeply intertwined with our relationship toward nature and our natural and cultural environments, including forests, oceans, mountains, parks, and rural and urban spaces. At the center of this exploration are the history and culture of the Nordic and German-speaking countries (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany), from the medieval period to the present, and their interrelationships. The rich and diverse literatures and cultures of these countries can help explain their strong environmental performance today, as well as their intense engagement with current global environmental issues, from climate change and biodiversity loss to ocean acidification and soil erosion.
Representations and concepts of nature will be explored in a variety of literary genres: medieval sagas; Gothic Romantic tales; 19th-century fairy tales (e.g., “Snow Queen” that inspired Disney’s Frozen); the modernist novel; graphic novel; poetry; essay; and science-fiction, both dystopian and utopian; and series. Topics include the cultivation of Iceland; the landscape of war; witchcraft and the magic of nature; urbanization and the destruction of nature; back-to-nature movements; the fascist instrumentalization of nature; nature and memory; the reality and imagination of nuclear disaster and pollution; the philosophy of Deep Ecology; dystopia and utopia in the age of climate change and fears of irreversible environmental damage.
All readings available in English; taught in English. GE lit course.

German 3252
The Holocaust in Literature and Film
Reading, analysis, and discussion of representative works pertaining to the Holocaust from the perspective of German literature and film. Taught in English. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 399 or Yiddish 399. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

German 4252
Masterpieces of German Literature
Social and intellectual forces in Central Europe as reflected in German literature from the Enlightenment to the present. Taught in English. GE lit course.

Scandinavian 2310
Nature in Nordic and Germanic Literatures
This course explores how literature and culture––including, among others, traditional art forms, popular culture, folklore, lifestyle, social customs, and political culture––are deeply intertwined with our relationship toward nature and our natural and cultural environments, including forests, oceans, mountains, parks, and rural and urban spaces. At the center of this exploration are the history and culture of the Nordic and German-speaking countries (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany), from the medieval period to the present, and their interrelationships. The rich and diverse literatures and cultures of these countries can help explain their strong environmental performance today, as well as their intense engagement with current global environmental issues, from climate change and biodiversity loss to ocean acidification and soil erosion.
Representations and concepts of nature will be explored in a variety of literary genres: medieval sagas; Gothic Romantic tales; 19th-century fairy tales (e.g., “Snow Queen” that inspired Disney’s Frozen); the modernist novel; graphic novel; poetry; essay; and science-fiction, both dystopian and utopian; and series. Topics include the cultivation of Iceland; the landscape of war; witchcraft and the magic of nature; urbanization and the destruction of nature; back-to-nature movements; the fascist instrumentalization of nature; nature and memory; the reality and imagination of nuclear disaster and pollution; the philosophy of Deep Ecology; dystopia and utopia in the age of climate change and fears of irreversible environmental damage.
All readings available in English; taught in English. GE lit course.

Scandinavian 3350
Norse Mythology and Medieval Culture
The myths of the Old Norse gods and the worldview and beliefs of pagan Scandinavia.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Scandnav 222. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

Scandinavian 4250
Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature
Selected masterpieces of Scandinavian literature from contemporary theoretical perspectives.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Scandnav 500. GE lit course.

Scandinavian 5251
The Icelandic Saga
Revenge is the engine of Iceland’s most famous literature: the Sagas. These medieval texts describe a Viking Age society on the western edge of Europe, just beyond the reach of kings, in which honor is the main currency and insult can have deadly consequences. Unforgettable characters clash in these intricately plotted stories, and a pithy verse or a legal stratagem may overmatch even a steel axe. The class will consider the workings and failings of blood feud as a violence limiting system, the oblique influence of women in a male-dominated society, the lean literary art of Saga prose, and more. Students will get to know a distant society with unexpected relevance to our own and learn how to analyze, interpret, and enjoy Saga literature. There are no prerequisites. Taught in English.

Yiddish 3371
Yiddish Literature in Translation
Reading, analysis, and discussion of representative works and of the development of major movements and genres in Yiddish literature. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 371 or JewshSt 3371. GE lit and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in JewshSt.

Yiddish 3399
The Holocaust in Yiddish and Ashkenazic Literature and Film
Reading and analysis of texts, films and music pertaining to the topic of the Holocaust, the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany against European Jewry, and its impact on Ashkenazic-Jewish civilization.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 399 or German 399. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

Visual and Performing Arts

German 2451
Hollywood: Exiles and Émigrés
German cinema has played an influential role in the development of international film genres. In this class we look at examples of films made in Hollywood that bear the stamp of German influence. We also look at films made in Germany that show that influence flows in both directions. This course assumes no prior knowledge of German, German films, or film theory in general. Taught in English. GE Visual and Performing Arts course.

German 3254H
Representations and Memory of the Holocaust in Film
Students will view, discuss, and examine major filmic representations of the Holocaust from several countries from the 1940s through the 1990s. Students will learn how these films have contributed to our understanding of a complex phenomenon of WWII and how the directors have coped with the thorny issues of representing something that many people consider to be unrepresentable. Taught in English. GE Visual and Performing Arts and GE Diversity - Global Studies course.

Writing and Communication 2

German 2367
German Literature and American Culture
German perspectives on and in 20th-century American culture. Influence of German thought and writings on American culture; German views of American culture. Taught in English. Prereq: English 1110.01, 1110.02, and 1110.03 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 367. GE writing and comm course: level 2. EN Admis Cond course.

Yiddish 2367
Jewish-American Voices in U.S. Literature
Introduction to Jewish-American literature; development of expository writing and argumentation skills through systematic and critical reflection upon their own country from the perspective of an ethnic community. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 367 or JewshSt 2367. GE writing and comm: level 2 and cultures and ideas course. Cross-listed in JewshSt.

GE courses typically offered in the Summer

To confirm that the course you're interested in is actually going to be offered this coming Summer, please refer to the Registrar's Web page.

German 3352
Development of Contemporary Germany: Dresden Yesterday and Today
Introduction to German life and culture, past and present, including the new federal states; taught within summer study abroad program with students experiencing German culture firsthand.
* Open only to students who participate in the German Language in Dresden Summer Study Abroad Program. Admitted students register for German 3352 and 5797 (3 credits), and also for either German 2101 (3 credits) OR German 2102 (3 credits) during the Summer session.
All credits taken in Dresden can be used towards the German major or minor.

GEL: Culture & Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies
GEN THEMES - Lived Environments

Courses that Fulfill GE Requirements (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.